Moving around!

Really happy to anounce that the Miniprint Exhibition of Cadaqu茅s is now in Pineda, till the 3rd of November. It has also travelled to Wingfield, UK, and it will be placed in Bages, France, from November to January. No excuse for you to travel and visit 馃檪 For the locals, you can see some of my watercolors and ink drawings at Finques Pous, in the Carrer Pujol, Matar贸, till end October. You can also buy, of course!

Original ink drawing. Algraphy also available.
Original watercolor
Original watercolor made on a plaster back mould.
Original ink drawing. Algraphy also available.

In茅s Legemaate

I like to receive inputs from what I see, hear, read, experience and talk about, and then recycle (or not) and express it through a writing, drawing or painting process.

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